Monday 8 August 2016

The Dangers of the Great Outdoors

Some people think cats are outdoor creatures. They think their cat is happier living outside. They use the excuse that "They're wild creatures at heart. They need to be outside!" or "I just can't bear to keep him inside. He howls at the door until I let him out." Indeed, a little romp outside can be a nice change of pace.  For some cats, feeling grass under their feet and all the different smells really do make them happy. However, opening the door and letting them roam free is quite dangerous. Anything can get to your cat outside - people, cars, other animals. If you do take your cat outside, the cat should be on a harness and with you at all times. The following two tales really emphasize the importance of not letting your cat roam free outdoors.

Quade was an indoor-outdoor 6 month old kitten. For the past couple of weeks, Quade would return to his house with a new wound somewhere on his body. His owner couldn't figure out what was causing these wounds. A week ago, when Quade returned to his house, he couldn't put any weight on his back leg. The owner then discovered why. The neighbor kids were using Quade as target practice. His previous wounds were caused by BB gunshots. With this last round of target practice, one of the BBs broke Quade's leg. His owner couldn't afford the vet bills and surrendered her kitten to Feline Rescue.

Quade's BB wounds
Quade will have surgery to repair this fracture. The vet brought in a specialist because this fracture is particularly tricky. It's just below the knee. We're gambling that Quade's leg can be fixed.

Addy was another indoor-outdoor cat. Addy's owner didn't like to confine this fun-loving, earthy cat to the house. She thought he could - and would - always be able to look out for himself while outside. Unfortunately, a few days ago, Addy was hit by a car. He was caught in the wheel well and dragged for a few blocks before he fell free of the vehicle. It would seem as though the driver of the car never even slowed down. Addy's injuries are absolutely ghastly and look like something out of a horror movie. One of his paws was completely degloved.

Addy's owner couldn't afford the vet bills and surrendered him to Feline Rescue. Addy's injuries are quite severe and his leg cannot be saved. He will have amputation surgery later this week.
Addy wearing his cone.

Both Addy and Quade could have been spared these painful injuries if they were kept inside. On one hand, they're lucky because they've survived their ordeals. They could have suffered through much
different fates.

Both Addy and Quade have months of recovery and rehabilitation ahead of them. Both cats, despite the pain of their injuries, are sweet and affectionate guys. They know that even though some bad people hurt them, not every person is bad. They will be ready for adoption as soon as they master their rehab classes.

Addy and Quade have another thing in common - their surgeries are quite expensive. To contribute towards Addy's and Quade's vet bills, you can donate via either the "Network for Good" or "Pay Pal" or go to our web site.  Please make sure to enter "Addy's and Quade's vet bills" in the Designation field. Any amount will be thoroughly appreciated.

We're also looking for a caregiver for Addy. He will need to be on kennel rest for a good 3-6 weeks (we can provide the kennel). If you'd like to foster him, please submit a Foster Caregiver Application Form.

Donating by credit card via Network for Good Online:

Donating by PayPal or credit card via PayPal Online:

Donations by personal check can be mailed to:

Feline Rescue, Inc.
Attn: Donations
593 Fairview Ave N
St. Paul, MN 55104


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