Tuesday 7 February 2017

"APPLEJACK" smart and curious Hound mix - maybe some Great Dane?

Applejack tries hard to please!   Once he is out and about on a walk however, his hound curiosity takes over, and it's a little harder to get his attention, so since he is a big strong boy, you'll need a gentle leader or front clip harness to better manage his strength on leash walks. Treats and fun training exercises will be help too. Applejack is going to look gorgeous with good quality food like he is now receiving, and flea treatment as needed during the year.

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Applejack here's my Mcas weblink 
animal id # 584199

Applejack here! I'm an energetic Hound mix fella looking for my new home. As most hounds, I'm very scent-driven and love to explore and follow my nose. I'm smart and curious and if you're holding a treat I'll show you all the cool tricks I know! Sometimes I get too excited and I have a tendency to jump up on people. If you take me to some obedience courses we can work on curbing that habit and form a nice strong bond together! I would do best in a home without very small children (8+) as I easily get too excited and love to jump on people. Come say hi today! I'm about 3 years old and weigh 62 lbs


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