Friday 10 February 2017

Toby needs a foster hero please!

Toby, an affectionate baby boy with eye birth defects, was saved from an attempted stoning death. He needs a loving foster home for approximately 1 month for continued healing and socialization.

If you can help this 3-month-old sweetheart as a foster parent, please visit Nevada SPCA in person and ask for Lauren.

*** Sensitive Reader Caution ***

Toby was severely injured by a group of children in late January. A man resting on his porch noticed the kids were throwing rocks at something and he became concerned. The kids scattered when he approached and he rushed the kitten to Nevada SPCA.

Toby's sternum was broken and his ribs were painfully bruised.

Due to a birth defect, Toby's eyes are very small and recessed, giving him only nominal vision, so very careful kitten-proofing of your home is essential to his safety.

Please share Toby's picture to help find him a foster hero.

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